2nd Multidisciplinary Oncology Conference: Diagnosis & Therapy

9-10 November 2018

Aliathon Holiday Village, Paphos

Conference PROGRAM

The conference will take place at Aliathon Hotel Village,
in Pafos Cyprus, on 9-10 of November 2018.
All presentations will be in Greek language.
The prices for the lunches and coffee breaks will
be included in the registration fees.
1. Friday - 09 Nov 2018
2. Saturday - 10 Nov 2018
3. Parallel Sessions


The Cyprus Radiological Society
Cyprus Society of Registered Radiologic Technologists & Radiation Therapy Technologists

Welcome talk CAMPBE

CAMPBE Welcome Talk
Erato Stylianou-Markidou

Welcome talk EFIE

ΕΦΙΕ Welcome Talk
Gerasimos Messaris

Session A1 – Prostate Cancer: Nuclear Medicine contribution

Session Organizer: Savvas Frangos
Session Chairs: Rena Demetriadou, Dimitrios Vomvas, Ioannis Iakovou
Dimitrios Vomvas
Ourania Demetriadou
Savvas Frangos
Ioannis Iakovou

Diagnosis, Staging, Therapy

Dimitris Andreopoulos

Pitfalls and specifications of radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer

External Beam Radiotherapy treatment involves high energy x-ray beams to the whole prostate gland, sometimes including areas around it. The main aim of the EBTR is to treat the cancer cells, including any cells that are already spread the area outside the prostate. The advantage is that the cancer cells cannot recover from this damage and die but the healthy cells can repair themselves easily. Radiotherapy treatment is painless and through the new technology as IMRT, VMAT, STEREOTACTIC can have very good prognosis for most of the prostate patients. The daily treatment sessions last only for about ten minutes and the patient does not need to stay in hospital. Although there are a lot of advantages, there are some pitfalls during radiotherapy treatment, such us bowel, urinary, erection problems and tiredness. Moreover, radiotherapy is not able to kill all the cancer cells that cannot be seen on imaging scans.        
Elena Symeou

Therapy with PSMA

Ioannis Iakovou
11:15 - 11:35

Coffee Break

Session A2 – Breast

Session Organizer: Chrysa Tziakouri Siakalli
Session Chairs: Prodromos Kaplanis, Anni Philippou
Chrysa Tziakouri Shiakalli
Prodromos Kaplanis

Advanced radiotherapy techniques in breast cancer

The purpose of this discussion is to provide insight in to the area of Accelerated Partial Breast radiotherapy focusing on the radiobiological principles, the different methods of treatment delivery and a review of the previous and ongoing studies in this area as well as current guidelines
Morfo Georgiou

Evaluation of dose to the heart from breast radiotherapy

The importance of minimizing dose to heart during breast irradiation has attracted increased interest in recent years stating that major coronary events are avoided if threshold of 3Gy is kept for the mean heart dose and are increased linearly with the mean dose to the heart by 7.4% per Gy and 4% increase in risk of heart disease. A sample of 100 patients from our centre (50% right breast and 50% left breast), were treated with 6MV 3D-conformal radiotherapy planning with two tangential fields. Angles were chosen to avoid OAR from receiving unnecessary dose and not compromising target coverage or increasing contra-lateral breast dose. After evaluating the OAR doses, a simple planning technique was used by blocking heart with the use of MLCs (MbT) on the medial tangential field. After applying the MbT, dose to the heart was reduced with a max reduce on MHD of 3Gy and the criteria of V20 and V40 were achieved.
13:15 - 14:00

Lunch Break

Session – Presentations from sponsors

Session Organizer: Demetrios Kaolis
Session Chairs: Irene Polycarpou, Erato Stylianou Markidou, Dora Charalambous
Dora Charalambous
Irene Polycarpou
Demetrios Kaolis
Erato Stylianou-Markidou

ELEKTA: State-of-the-art radiotherapy techniques

Elekta innovation is responsible for introducing most of the critical technological advances in radiation oncology of the last 30 years. For that reason, world-leading clinics continue to seek opportunities to collaborate with us in the development of tomorrow’s solutions. Elekta maintains its long-standing focus on evidence-based medicine, energized by the knowledge that we are supporting those whose mission is to save and prolong human life. This presentation will focus on the latest innovation in RT, MR/RT.
Caroline Fraisse

RAYMED: A solution for automated analysis of QA phantom’s images

Οι Ευρωπαϊκοί κανονισμοί για τους ελέγχους ποιότητας της εικόνας τόσο των αξονικών όσο και των μαγνητικών τομογράφων απαιτούν πολύ τακτικούς ελέγχους με την χρήση ειδικών ομοιωμάτων. Οι εικόνες που προκύπτουν απαιτούν επεξεργασία και αξιολόγηση, εργασίες που γενικά απαιτούν πολύ χρόνο . Συχνά δε δεν υπάρχει δυνατότητα της επεξεργασίας των εικόνων κατά την στιγμή της συλλογής τους λόγω της πολύ μικρής διαθεσιμότητας των απεικονιστικών μηχανημάτων για τον έλεγχο τους. Αυτό έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορούν να εντοπιστούν εγκαίρως προβλήματα κατά την διάρκεια του ελέγχου ώστε να μπορούν να ληφθούν οι κατάλληλες εικόνες που θα επιβεβαιώσουν ή θα απορρίψουν κάποια υποψία. Η ομάδα μας ανέπτυξε ένα λογισμικό που επεξεργάζεται εικόνες CT και MR των αντίστοιχων ACR Phantoms με το οποίο  α)μειώνεται σημαντικά ο χρόνος επεξεργασίας και γίνεται εφικτό να πραγματοποιούνται συχνότεροι έλεγχοι των απεικονιστικών μηχανημάτων β)είναι δυνατή η άμεση επεξεργασία των εικόνων  κατά την διάρκεια των ελέγχων και η αξιολόγηση τους με βάση διεθνή ή εθνικά πρότυπα και γ) μειώνεται η αβεβαιότητα της επεξεργασίας των εικόνων από υποκειμενικές εκτιμήσεις του ανθρώπου που την εκτελεί . Το λογισμικό αυτό λαμβάνει απ’ευθείας τις εικόνες μέσω Dicom διασύνδεσης και τις επεξεργάζεται με εξελιγμένους αλγορίθμους επεξεργασίας εικόνας. Δίνει τεκμηριωμένα αποτελέσματα με αυτοματοποιημένο τρόπο και ελάχιστη ανθρώπινη παρεμβολή. Ο χρήστης όμως έχει πάντα την δυνατότητα να αλλάξει με χειροκίνητο τρόπο τις επιλογές των αλγορίθμων και να επανακαθορίσει τα όρια συναγερμού & αποδοχής. Το πρόγραμμα μας πλέον έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί σε πολύ μεγάλο αριθμό ελέγχων τόσο αξονικών όσο και μαγνητικών τομογράφων και τα αποτελέσματα του για όλες τις παραμέτρους έχουν συγκριθεί με αυτά που προκύπτουν από την επεξεργασία των ίδιων εικόνων από έμπειρο ακτινοφυσικό.  Η σύμπτωση των αποτελεσμάτων της αυτόματης επεξεργασίας σε σχέση με αυτή του έμπειρου προσώπου είναι για όλες τις παραμέτρους εξαιρετική. Ήδη αυξάνουμε την γκάμα των ομοιωμάτων που το λογισμικό μας μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί και ...
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Ioannis Demetrakopoulos

STYLIANOU MEDISUPPLIES: Digital 3D breast tomosynthesis: new techniques

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)  is an exciting technology that is revolutionizing breast imaging. It has demonstrated value in both screening and diagnostic evaluations. The improvements in clinical performance, compared to 2D mammography, are significant. The growing adoption of 3D mammography in combination with the digital technology advances, created an opportunity for technological evolutions that are useful in streamlining workflow, improving diagnostic accuracy and expanding clinical applications. This presentation aims to highlight some of the recent advances (like High Definition (HD) DBT, Synthetic 2D Images, Brest Biopsy under DPT guidance and  Contest Enhanced Mammography) by presenting the Hologic’s new 3Dimensions mammography system.
Andreas Stylianou
15:45 - 15:55

Coffee Break

Session A3 – Benign thyroid diseases: Diagnosis and therapy

Session Organizer: Rena Demetriadou
Session Chairs: Savvas Frangos, Yiannis Parpottas, Diogenis Kyprianou
Yiannis Parpottas
Ourania Demetriadou
Savvas Frangos

Thyroid Scintigraphy

Ourania Demetriadou

I-131 Therapy

Ioannis Iakovou

Radiation protection considerations for patients receiving I-131 therapy for carcinoma of the thyroid

At the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre (BOCOC) patients, who have received therapeutic activities of I-131 (more than 100mCi or 3700MBq) for the treatment of thyroid cancer, following the removal of the thyroid gland, are hospitalised for at least 2 days until radiation exposure rates drop to acceptable levels as suggested by European Commission’s guidance RP-97.  A number of practical issues need to be considered  and preventative measures need to be taken to reduce exposure to personnel, members of the public and patient’s family members  according to the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)  as required by the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) and National Legislation. We present the measures taken at the BOCOC to minimise exposure and prevent contamination in the hospital but also the radiation safety precautions taken to minimise radiation exposure to family members and comforters and carers following the release of the patient from the hospital.
Kostas Michael

Tavern Night Out

Welcome – Announcements

Erato Stylianou-Markidou

Research in Nuclear Medicine using phantom able to simulate thorasic movements

Preclinical research in diagnostic nuclear medicine for the optimization of myocardial perfusion imaging will be presented. For this purpose, an anthropomorphic phantom assembly was developed and utilized in SPECT/CT imaging. The physical phantom assembly simulates three body-types and thoracic motions such as ECG heart beating, lungs breathing and lungs-heart cranio-caudal motion during normal and deep respiration, in time-interval of 10ms. Radiopharmaceuticals can be injected, and cardiac defects of various sizes can be positioned, within the myocardial walls of the left ventricle.    SPECT/CT images were acquired for phantoms with and without small and large cardiac defects during normal and deep breathing, and also at four static respiratory phases. Acquisitions were reconstructed with and without AC, and with misalignment of transmission and emission scans. A quantitative analysis was performed to assess artifacts. Two physicians reported on defect presence or absence and their results were evaluated. Different types of artifacts were characterized and their impact on defect detection was investigated.
Yiannis Parpottas

Risks and Accidents in Radiology

Although radiation accidents in diagnostic radiology are rare, when they occur, they may affect a significant number of patients until discovered. On the other hand, radiation incidents that can lead to severe deterministic effects to the patients (hair loss, skin erythema) are more common, since the use of high radiation dose procedures in everyday clinical practice, like CT perfusion scans and fluoroscopic interventional procedures, is continuously growing. Radiation accidents in radiology usually occur when there is erroneous or incomplete understanding of how the imaging equipment settings influence image quality and patient dose. In order to avoid them, the diagnostic imaging protocols have to be carefully reviewed by the imaging team, namely the radiologist, the medical physicist and the technologist. Accidental exposure of a pregnant patient to diagnostic X-rays can also occur, despite precautionary measures. Women of childbearing age must be carefully interviewed to exclude possibility of pregnancy before radiology examinations are performed.
Emmanouil Papanastasiou

Session B1 – CAMPBE meets EFIE on the International Medical Physics Day “For the Benefit of the Patient”: Risks and accidents by the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations in diagnosis and therapy

Session Organizer: Ioannis Seimenis
Session Chairs: Erato Stylianou-Markidou (CAMPBE) President, Pola Platoni (EFIE General Secretary)
Pola Platoni
Ioannis Seimenis
Erato Stylianou-Markidou

Risks and accidents in Nuclear Medicine

Accidents in nuclear medicine departments refer to unintended events during routine activities involved in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures that may result in unjustified radiation exposure or traumatic injury for the patient or/and the medical stuff. The introduction into clinical practice of novel complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the advent of advanced hybrid imaging systems of increased complexity have increased the probability and variety of accidents. Such events may occur during handling of radioactive substances for the preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals to the patient or during imaging the patient on the gamma camera. The aim of this presentation is to a) illustrate possible radiation accidents and mechanical accidents in a nuclear medicine department, b) discuss means/practices for the minimization of the probability of accidents to occur and c) to demonstrate the crucial role of the medical physicist for preventing accidents.
Kostas Perisinakis

Risks and accidents in Radiotherapy

Without a doubt radiation therapy, either palliative or curative, plays a major role in cancer patients’ management. Radiotherapy is a complicated modality that involves the implementation of modern technologies and sophisticated software programs, while it requires the cooperation of different professionals. The goal of achieving enhanced tumor control in conjunction with limited risk for late effects to normal tissues demands a high level of accuracy, consistency and minimized uncertainties as well. Quality assurance and quality control along with equipment commissioning and maintenance are performed periodically in a radiotherapy department in terms of radiation protection and patients’ safety. However, the increased complexity in treatment planning and delivery methods is accompanied with significant possibility for treatment related errors and incidents. Our purpose is to report some of the accidents in radiotherapy that have been described in literature, highlight the lessons we have been taught from these cases and point out the potential radiotherapy associated risks.
Pola Platoni

Risks and Accidents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This lecture will focus on the risks and accidents associated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Risk factors and safety issues related to human exposure in high static magnetic fields, time-varying magnetic fields and radiofrequency fields will be considered. Short-term biological effects, related exposure limits and frequent errors which could lead to accidents will be presented. The issue concerning the acoustic noise in the MRI environment will be reviewed, whilst hazards associated with patient implants and the use of medical devices in the scanner room will be examined. Emphasis will be put on the rotational and projectile effects of ferromagnetic objects. Oxygen concentration and ventilation issues within the MRI examination room will also be mentioned, as well as safety concerns in relation to the use of Gd-based contrast agents. Safety guidelines and good practices to reduce risks and accidents in MRI will be highlighted.
Ioannis Seimenis

Risks and accidents using non-ionizing radiations

Κίνδυνοι και ατυχήματα σε εφαρμογές μη ιοντιζουσών ακτινοβολιών (Η περίπτωση των Διαθερμιών) Although the number of the scientific work has been published to connect health consequences of Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation, today and according to the scientific consensus all established adverse health effects at radio frequencies (RFs) follow from thermal absorption of the RF energy and the subsequent effects of the temperature increase.  ICNIRP (1998) and IEEE Std. C95.1 (2005) both use this thermal effect as the basis for their RLs at RFs. Short and Microwave diathermies (SWDs and MWDs) are EM radiation emitting systems that are used by physiotherapists for thermotherapy treatment. Although this form of therapy is widely available in most physiotherapy units worldwide, management of the equipment is not obligatory addressed either by Clinical Engineers or Medical Physicists. Here are presented, the first Quality control (QC) protocols for SWD and MWD equipment, examining mechanical, electrical and electronic condition, the power output and EM radiation distribution in the electrotherapy room, that already published and evaluated internationally. The proposed approaches could result in the introduction of EM-screened rooms, ensuring that MWD users and other persons in the vicinity will not be exposed to EM radiation over reference levels (RLs). International bodies could develop specific directives for EM radiation exposure in Physiotherapy Units, to conform to the proposed acceptance and functioning criteria for MDWs.
Constantinos Koutsogiannis
11:25 - 11:40

Coffee Break

Session B2 – Methods and procedures for quality assurance and dosimetry in modern radiotherapy

Session Organizer: Giorgos Anagnostopoulos
Session Chairs: Panagiotis Zaverdinos, Efstratios Karagiannis
Efstratios Karagiannis
Panagiotis Zaverdinos
Giorgos Anagnostopoulos

Dosimetry verification of modern radiotherapy techniques

Small and non-standard fields are used in modern radiotherapy techniques including Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) and Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS). Dosimetry measurements in these fields are associated by increased uncertainties due to several factors including volume averaging effects, electron fluence perturbations by the presence of non-water equivalent dosimeters, beam quality changes and partial source occlusion especially in the smaller fields.  Quality assurance procedures are essential in modern radiotherapy techniques to verify and maintain the accuracy of the delivered dose. After a short review of the experimental dosimetry principles, the available dosimetric systems and their limitations in dosimetry measurements of small and non-standard fields will be discussed.
Evangelos Pantelis

Commissioning and quality assurance of single isocenter stereotactic radiotherapy for multiple brain metastasis

Single-isocentric multi-focal stereotactic radiosurgery (SIMF-SRS) for multiple brain metastasis treatments, is one of the most challenging modern radiotherapy techniques. Spatial accuracy of dose delivery to each individual metastasis and the corresponding dose accuracy are both influencing significantly the treatment efficiency and patient safety. A comprehensive End-to-End QA methodology for commissioning, acceptance and periodic QA of such treatment modality is required in clinical practice. In this work, such a methodology is presented along with its results for a single clinical case. The methodology involves the use of 3D printing technology in combination with polymer gel dosimetry. Combined geometrical uncertainties of imaging, co-registration, set-up and dose delivery are evaluated. 3D relative dose distribution accuracy evaluation is also implemented. Conclusively, the high complexity of SIMF-SRS treatments poses the need for sophisticated End-to-End QA methodologies to be incorporated in the clinic. Such a methodology and its QA results are presented.
Evangelos Pappas

Electronic monitoring of radiotherapy fractions using electronic portal imaging device

A number of options exist for detecting errors in radiotherapy treatments, but it has been demonstrated that in vivo dosimetry using the electronic portal imager device (EPID) is among the most effective. Deployment of the EPID beyond the patient allows for the exit dose to be captured. Any change in this exit dose between fractions indicates a potential change in the patient’s treatment. Such a change could be caused by three possibilities: (i) changes in the radiation beam from the machine; (ii) changes in the patient position; or (iii) changes in the patient anatomy. We investigated the sensitivity of a commercial EPID dosimetry system to changes originating from these three sources.
Paul Doolan

Dosimetric monitoring of radiotherapy fractions for offline treatment plan adaptation

Radiotherapy treatment plans are typically created on a CT scan acquired several days before the treatment starts. However, anatomical changes can be observed throughout the treatment course. The dosimetric impact of observed anatomical changes can be inspected by calculating the treatment plan on the new anatomy, while, the cumulative impact of gradual and/or random anatomical changes can be examined by accumulating ‘daily delivered’ dose distributions on a reference anatomy. In this presentation, several approaches for the calculation of daily delivered dose distributions based on the daily anatomy as observed on the online acquired cone-beam CT scans will be discussed. Then the implementation of the procedure with an automated workflow, using a commercial software will be presented.
Yiannis Rousakis

Commissioning and dose verification of contemporary brachytherapy treatment planning systems

Advanced dose calculation algorithms have been introduced recently in commercially available TPSs in an effort to reduce Type B uncertainties associated with inhomogeneities and finite patient dimensions, and improve accuracy of 192Ir HDR brachytherapy. These algorithms calculate dose in computational models defined from patient imaging and are therefore collectively referred to as model-based dose calculation algorithms (MBDCAs). Due to the complexity of MBDCA algorithmic implementation, the association of their results to an image-based computational model and the use of basic input data that are not accessible by the clinical end users, dosimetry testing for acceptance, commissioning, and quality assurance purposes can no longer rely on verification of data entry and simple spreadsheet calculations, as for TG-43-based TPSs. After a short introduction to clinically available MBDCAs, this presentation will focus on the commissioning approach based on DICOM-RT test cases set forth by an international working group, and discuss the potential of experimental dose verification in the clinical setting.
Panagiotis Papagiannis
15:25 - 15:35

Coffee Break

The role of quantitative imaging in brain tumour diagnosis

Medical imaging has been always a qualitative field, however, quantitative image analysis of tumour characteristics based on medical imaging is an emerging field of research. In recent years, quantitative imaging features derived from several imaging techniques such as PET, MRI or CT were shown to be of added value in the prediction of outcome parameters in oncology. Compared to qualitative analysis, radiomics could provide quantitative data which could be used to increase the quality of tumour diagnosis and treatment strategies.
Stephanos Leandrou

Session B3 – Brain tumours: diagnosis and therapy

Session Organizer: Stephanos Leandrou
Session Chairs: Irene Polycarpou, Fotis Kollas, Kyriakos Psillos
Stephanos Leandrou
Kyriakos Psillos
Photis Kollas
Irene Polycarpou

PET/CT: Benefits for Brain Tumour Radiotherapy

Background This section will cover the basic principles of PET-CT imaging, explaining that this hybrid imaging modality benefits by displaying both from anatomical and functional information of the pathology under investigation. In addition, there will be a brief introduction on oncology terminology used in radiotherapy (GTV, CTV and PTV) and how the data from PET-CT can be used to affect these volumes. Diagnostic Tests available List of commonly used radiopharmaceuticals with a focus on the radiopharmaceuticals used in brain oncology: 11C-methionine (MET), 18F-fluoro-L-thymidine (FTL) and 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (FET) PET-CT: Target localisation in therapy (focus on Brain) Results from studies that show how these radiopharmaceuticals are used to alter the GTV, CTV and PTV and the Intra- and inter-observer variability between tumour delineation from MR, CT and PET/CT images as well as fusion of images from the aforementioned modalities. Conclusion Conclusions and recommendations of the speaker for the assessment of all the variables that would result in a minimum effect on the most accurate tumour volume delineation resulting in the sparing of healthy tissue and the best tumour control probability.
Panayiotis Chatzitheodorou

Innovation in Radiation Therapy in Brain, Lymphomas and Paediatric Tumors

VMAT technique is used for pediatric tumors, brain tumors and lymphomas  due to the improved coverage of the targets and lower toxicity for the organ at risk with reduced side effects. The shorter radiation time, especially in treatments of  young children is of great benefit in order to avoid sedation.
Marilena Theodorou

Social Event

Συνδυασμενη βραχυθεραπεια υψηλου ρυθμου δοσης και εξωτερικης ακτινοβολιας για κλινικα εντοπισμενο καρκινο του προστατη

Ιωσήφ Στρούθος, Ακτινοθεραπευτής – Ογκολόγος, Γερμανικό Ογκολογικό Κέντρο, Λεμεσός

Session C1 – Parallel Session 1

Session Chairs: Irene Polycarpou, Louiza Sophocleous
Louiza Sophocleous
Irene Polycarpou

Απεικονιση μοριακης διαχυσης (DWI) με μαγνητικη τομογραφια: αναλυση της τεχνικης, κλινικη χρησιμοτητα και περιορισμοι

Χρήστος Τσιότσιος, Τεχνολόγος Ακτινολόγος, Γερμανικό Ογκολογικό Κέντρο, Λεμεσός

Γιατι πολλες γυναικες αποφευγουν τον προληπτικο ελεγχο με μαστογραφια;

Φλωρεντία Αριστοδήμου, Τεχνολόγος Ακτινολόγος Κέντρο Μαστού

Session C2 – Parallel Session 2

Session Chairs: Yiannis Rousakis, Iliana Michael
Yiannis Rousakis

Μειωση δοσης και χρονου εξετασης με την χρηση επαναληπτικου εναντι αναλυτικου αλγοριθμου ανακατασκευης CT εικονας

Μαρία Ανδρέου, Φοιτήτρια Ακτινοδιαγνωστικής Ακτινοθεραπείας, Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου

Μελλοντικες μακροχρονιες επιδρασεις θωρακικης ακτινοθεραπειας στην καρδια

Ανδριάνα Δίπλαρου, Φοιτήτρια Ακτινοδιαγνωστικής Ακτινοθεραπείας, Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου

Αυτοματοποιημενη εκδοση οδηγιων σε ασθενεις που ελαβαν θεραπεια με Ι-131

Γεωργία Αντωνίου, Φοιτήτρια Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου

Conference Venue

aliathon holiday village
Poseidonos Cycling Lane, Geroskipou, Cyprus
The rates offered for the 2ND MULTIDISCIPLINARY ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE: DIAGNOSIS & THERAPY is Eur 75.00 per room, per night for the Single occupancy on breakfast basis & Eur 90.00 per room, per night for the Twin/Double occupancy on breakfast basis. In order to make a reservation, you can contact the hotel either by email on reservations@aliathonvillage.com or by phone on +357 26 964400. Kindly note that all rooms are on a request basis and subject to availability by the reservations department until final booking.

We kindly inform you that when making a reservation, the following details are required: Full names of all guests in each room Arrival & Departure date Arrival time (check in is at 14.00 onwards and check out is by 12.00 midday) Email address & contact number For more information you can redirect to Hotel Website 

+357 26964400



€ 25.00

Tavern Night Out

Register on-line by clicking here
1 Day Registration
€ 25.00

Coffee Breaks


Certificate of Attendance

Register on-line by clicking here
2 Day Registration 9-10 November
€ 50.00

Coffee Breaks


Certificate of Attendance


Register on-line by clicking here